Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Timothy Mcgee, Why do I love you?

Sean Murray or his screen name Timothy Mcgee, I dont know why i care so much about you. Or why whenever i see your face or hear your voice I get butterflies. I love your character Sean. To me, he is Sweet, and Shy. Also you Sean, You look too adorable for your own good. I've seen your other movies like "Hocus Pokus" Where you play a cat throughout the movie but at first you were a boy in Salem, during the witch hunts.Thakery, kinda sounds like Zackery. When i was about 9 i first watched it and i fell inlove with you then as Thakery, Unknowing it was the same actor, I fell inlove with Tim too. I soon watched more of your videos and fell inlove with you. I looked up more about you or Wiki and other sites to prove wiki was correct. Yes, its sad that you have a wife and kids. But i still love you. (Gosh im so jealous of your wife)

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