Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I havent been able to watch game of thrones for a long time :( i feel bad. I miss Jon Snow, Arya, Dany. I always view myself as Arya, my baby brother Adam after Jon Snow because Jon and Arya were always together. They are best friends even as siblings. Bastard named Jon, and Arya sometimes thought she was a bastard too. (un)fortunately she isnt. Arya is different, She always is more boyish than anything. I was always a boyish type of girl. I hate dresses and Skirts. I refused to wear them till I turned 16, and my thoughts changed. I had fallen for a boy that wanted a more girly version than me, as a tomboy. My love for Arya, has become the only reason I watch Game of Thrones. She is just so amazing how Maisie Williams portrays her. The love bettween Arya and Snow, they have more love between them than any of the other starks.
    Arya Stark, I believe has the most love between all the Starks. Catlyn is hateful against Jon because of his birth-mother. Somehow, Sansa has gotten a hold of that hate towards Jon and distastes him so much for a reason he can not help. Rob and Jon dont hate eachother but they are friendly rivals. Rob disconnected himself from everyone. I believe Bran and Riccon are more close just like Jon and Arya.

To wrap this all up. I love Arya. I obsess over her. and most likely I'll post more about Dany Stormborn.

 More pictures of Arya <3 *A*

 Why to not call Arya "milady" >>

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